does alaric become headmaster again

Alaric told him it was hard to find Stefan since reports were popping up all over of people being attacked. All that currently matters is that he can beat this. She takes his hand and consumes his blood, completing her transition. Towards the end of season 3, Alaric was turned into an Enhanced Original Vampire by Esther and fed on Bonnie to complete his transition, also taking the White Oak Stake from Bonnie. He suggested the possibility that they might meet again some day. Due to the unicorn's arrival, Alaric postpones the annual Salvatore School talent show, which angers the school, especially Josie and Lizzie. Hope also admits that she may have accidentally started a chain of events that has led to the gods returning to our world and she's pretty sure those gods want her dead. In the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. The Necromancer wonders if they can detour and drop him off in Peace, but quickly foregoes the comment. Hope Mikaelson is the only character that is hybrid of all three bloodlines: werewolf, witch, and vampire. Diego is killed by Kai, however, and Alaric shoots Kai, killing him. When they awoke, Bonnie realized Alaric had been lying to her about the stone. In his office shortly after, Alaric talks with Vardemus about the magical simulation box. Alaric gets nervous and goes to the hospital where he meets Meredith. Alaric receives an impromptu visit from Dorian, who was called by Josie. For the first time in a long time, she believes she will. He's sorry for when he wasn't there for her and her sister, for all the times he prioritized Hope or being headmaster over being their father. The point is this-- there was no book club. A dybbuk is a parasitic spirit of Jewish folklore that imbues its host with supernatural strength. Before they left, Alaric told them that he studied the Lockwood's records thoroughly and found another pack name, Del Robles. In Our Town, Alaric is with Elena at his house, training. They're still all kids dealing with more than they should. As the night begins, Alaric calls an important founders meeting to show the failure in the town attempt to keep it safe on Sheriff Liz Forbes, and Mayor Carol Lockwood's part in it, revealing that their children are supernatural creatures. Rebekah Mikaelson, fearing for Elena's life, caused Elena's death, killing Alaric in the process. His death was at Ken's hand. Alaric later helps hunt down the monster that turned MG's mother to stone. Relating to a D&D campaign he played called Falcon's Landing, jinnis, depending on the mythology, are difficult to work with. His arrival has been long-awaited, and it looks like he's got some interesting plans in store for the students. Alaric returned as a Ghost in The Walking Dead, when the veil to The Other Side was dropped. As Alaric tried to stall The Hollow from hurting him he went to the back seat of his car and pulled out a crossbow. Hope plays nice with Cleo but quickly goes against MG's plan, asking about Landon, despite his warnings. In I'm Thinking Of You All The While, Alaric is still on the ground, with Jo's lifeless body in his arms. Alaric promised to respect Elena's decision about whether or not to tell Jenna. Hope instructs Alaric to take Kaleb back to the school and she'll handle Malivore. They're shocked to see them, but Cleo quickly reminds her sisters that she invited her friends for dinner, too. In Cold as Ice, Alaric and Caroline discuss attending a birthing class for the twins. In exchange for telling him the truth, Alaric decides to tell Meredith the truth about him. When Elena is ready to bring Jeremy to the airport, Alaric offers to take him instead since she should go be with Liz. So naturally, Damon compels him to get it, revealing that for some reason, he isn't on vervain. Alaric is surprised to find that Josie has chained him to a chair in order to prevent him from sabotaging their mission to escape. Telling her that she doesn't want to kiss him, however, to his astonishment, Jo kisses him, revealing that she's impervious to compulsion. Lizzie interjects, calling him Milton, though he stops her. Finally, she doesn't remember Damon as her boyfriend, but as a monster who died. Should they fail, they'll have a fallback. Entering the light, they cross the threshold into a hut and find Cleo and two of her sisters. Stefanie Salvatore is the heretic daughter of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, as well the younger twin sister of Stefan Salvatore. She questions Landon about how he can help her. Alaric notices that something is wrong but Damon claims that he is fine. He is under observation but in a stable status. After Jeremy is accidentally shot by Sheriff Forbes he carries him for Bonnie so she can revive him. Alaric realizes what's going on and smiles happily, and notices there is room full of beautiful women and copious amounts of alcohol. Ben believes that his father would call down lightning. Alaric tries to grab it from her, but she snatches it away. They learned in the Season 4 premiere that Landon ( Aria Shahghasemi) is still alive in the. She explains that he's meant to be a message to the others, so they will stay away, too. She told him that he can't mess with that kind of magic and he needed to destroy the stone. Alaric tries to console her and that she couldn't have known. As a vampire hunter, he designed several different weapons to fight vampires which include vervain tranquilizers and arm vest stakes. Alaric temporarily lost his memories of Hope when she was consumed by Malivore. Alaric walked over to the courtyard to speak with Klaus and told him that he can't keep Hope locked up in the Abattoir forever. Alaric moved to Mystic Falls and took up the position of a history teacher after the death of the previous one, William Tanner. Josie is weary and suggests to stop, but Alaric pushes forward. Dark Alaric states that the stake is in the Cave where no vampire can enter. She tells him that she's finished and can talk, but not before informing him that he won't be changing her mind about this. They have to protect the greatest number of students. Alaric eventually escapes the simulation when he becomes self-aware following a conversation with Kaleb, who is also trapped within the simulation when he does not follow Hope's plan. However, Damon, who had a memory of the first time he met Elena before compelling her to forget, starts to fight back, using his anger and his love as boost to his strength. He asks her how she is and the baby, and Jo pulls a sonogram out of her pocket and shows it to him. In Bringing Out The Dead, he and Elena learn that the stake used in the recent murder of the town's medical examiner as well as a council member was a stake from the Gilbert's arsenal. He explains to Alaric, MG, and Wade that it uses algorithmic magic to calculate probabilities. This is his daughter, but Hope retorts that everyone here is someone's son, someone's daughter, or father. His death turns Lizzie back to their side and she attacks and kills Aurora in a rage. He grabs Kaleb and leaves for the school. The others look on, confused about who she's talking to. He and the sheriff went back to pick up the girl's body but were shocked to discover that it had disappeared. Not long after, Hope goes to Alaric's office, revealing everything about herself, including that she isn't Hope Marshall, but actually a Mikaelson and the child of Klaus and Hayley. Hope, however, corrects him. When Hope figures out that she is Malivore's weakness, she calls Alaric and explains what she needs to do. They are interrupted by Tyler, who attacked Kai and bit him. However, he soon hears Cleo calling out and leaves to investigate. Alaric respects her decision, but he won't let him hurt the people he loves, his daughters or students. Ben wants to find a way to atone for his mistakes, if that's even possible. Josie breaks the mora miserium, allowing her to perform the spell to send everyone home, however, Sebastian appears and forces Alaric to return home. Actor Alexis Denisof just debuted as Headmaster Vardemus, the new headmaster at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. In This Year Will Be Different, Alaric bumps into Hope, who is looking for the Principal of Mystic Falls High School. In I'll Remember, its been four months since Bonnie and Damon died and Alaric has returned back to the land of the living. And I promise that you will beat it.Elena to Alaric in I'm Thinking Of You All The While, You know a responsible guardian would try and stop you. Following a massive loss of students and teachers, the student body is now down to thirty, which is barely enough to meet the quota . So when that battle comes, they will all be better prepared, armed with the stories of the ones that they love, and those who they have lost along the way. Ben wonders what he intends on doing with him. Jeremy doesn't think the fight is fair to Alaric practically being an practically being an Original Vampire, but Alaric counters that Jeremy had killed an Original before. After Alaric forces the shopkeeper to hand over the artifact, tensions rise when the artifact proves unsuccessful in returning Landon to Hope. But is later revived by Jo. Pedro, Wade, Finch, Hope, Cleo, Kaleb, Lizzie, and MG with all of the other students gathered, Alaric thanks them for being there. When Alaric sees the car, he runs and saves Jeremy in the nick of time, pushing Jeremy out of the way and being run over himself. Thanks for leaving me here to babysit.Damon to Alaric in Memorial, Just know that I love you. He declares this version of her isn't worth dying for and walks out with the others. Alaric, however, admits that the punishment fits the crime and Kaleb is a danger to wider society should the behaviors continue. She shows them Ben's bangle, though it's broken in half and the spell that protected him is now gone, which means something very scary should be making its way to the school. A short while later, Ryan appears, to his surprise. Alaric believes that football would have been the least of his worries, and admits that he's only ever tried to look out for him. Alaric reminds her that they know nothing about fighting gods, but Hope has already taken the liberty of inviting Professor Vardemus to the school. Alaric identifies Landon as a Phoenix. Alaric was surprised and somewhat disappointed, having believed Valerie's certainty. Alaric said all of Isobel's research was at Duke University. The four automatons are Aurora, Jen, Ken, the father of an entire family of gods, and Lizzie. In Because, both Jo and Alaric are at the Bed & Breakfast on watch duty for Caroline and Stefan. Attempting to join hands, the Necromancer is struck with inspiration. He chooses Landon, the only one is at least risk of death, to carry out these tests. He later told Jenna that he wasn't ready for Elena to ask him any questions about Isobel. The meal and spell was a stall. When they reach the Armory vault they come across Georgie. Alaric maintained he had more important issues to deal with but was cut short when a frazzled Lizzie stormed into the room calling him a jerk and yelling about how kids from the rival school had been harassing them in town, culminating in a milkshake being thrown at her, his favoritism towards Hope and refusing to go back. Alaric later became a father when his children, Lizzie and Josie, were saved by the Gemini Coven and carried by Caroline Forbes. Rupert joins Alaric who asks about Lizzie during their last meeting. He comes to the conclusion that sometimes the truth can do more harm than good, at least until you're ready to hear it. Hope tells him that he'll have to take his own advice. When Alaric realized the psychic was a fraud, having handed him a fake ring, he grew irate and volatile, especially when the psychic told him his wife was better off dead. He states something's wrong with the ring. Not being able to cast another spell is something she'd miss, particularly with Lizzie and Josie. He responds, telling her yes and no. She eventually finds he has an alibi, when he hands her Matt Donovan's card. Rupert tells her that she's wounded and her life force is down to 70%. Joining him and MG in his office, Hope has a problem that also involves the school, beyond Alaric's cane issue. Alaric eventually explains the trauma Caroline went through when Stefan left her, and explains that Caroline doesn't want to see him, despite what he may think. You have to let yourself drown in it, but then eventually, you'll start to swim, and every single breath that you fight for will make you stronger. Alaric is then taken to the hospital. He wonders why she brought him here. Alaric admits that the cage is for safety but Kaleb is feeling like his old self, but believes he's still part dragon. In a turn of events, the dryad turns violent, admitting that she feels an urge to possess the knife and Dorian is forced to fire an arrow into her chest. Not wanting to kill them, he throws down his gun and pulls out a bow staff. In I'll Never Give Up Hope, Alaric is still recovering from the trauma of losing his position as Headmaster at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. Even though she can see the future, she questions if she can't change it. He tells Jenna to get Stefan some blood bags down from the cellar. Damon stabbed Alaric . All they need to do is encode their powers into the device. Hope has just killed the newest creature, but all they find on the floor is the missing student, Blake. However, after Jenna's death, Alaric was unhinged and started to fall into a state of depression when he was seen drinking away the pain. Does Alaric Saltzman become headmaster again? At the bar they met a blue-faced man, a jinni. He was ready to move on to Peace until he showed it. Alaric poses the opposite. Alaric attempts to find a way out but everything is closed off. Examining it for a moment, he went to stab it with the knife but the monster stopped him and took the knife from him. However, they were then met by Damon, who hadn't seen Ric in some time. In Mombie Dearest, on the morning of Lizzie and Josie's sixteenth birthday, Alaric calls Caroline updating her on the knife situation and arguing over her not being able to be there in person for the celebrations. When push comes to shove, even when Peace is at their very fingertips, it's always something else. Rupert believes that Hope is giving them all courage, a belief they can win. He often wears casual clothing, t-shirts, button downs, jackets, jeans, etc. In The Sun Also Rises, Alaric, Stefan and Elijah arrived at the place where Bonnie is and talked about the plan. In All My Children, Alaric is seen at the grill with Meredith, when Damon calls him asking if he is with his sexy psycho doctor. Warning! Ben has Ken attack MG, but Wade reads from the manticulum that he's just fast enough to save Lizzie. When Kai tells Jo that he needs her magic, Alaric grabs his hand and threatens to break some bones and Kai then explains that if the leader of the Gemini Coven dies, the Prison Worlds collapses and Alaric then is shocked that there is more than one. Crossing a line, Hope tells him to leave. Alaric doesn't respond to Kai, and continues to sob. Jo Parker revived him with her medical skills, but upon resurrection, Alaric reverted back to his human self. As a form of protection against supernatural creatures, Isobel Flemming gift to Alaric a magic ring of resurrection. As Legacies' lone holdover character from The Vampire Diaries, Alaric's ongoing character assassination is one of the more disheartening and dismaying developments since TVD ended - it almost. As the battle draws near, Alaric and Hope discuss their plan in the meadow. Dr. Alaric J. Alaric asks her if she is having second thoughts, but Elena tells him she doesn't and that it feels amazing to be a human again. He tells her that he's a vampire hunter. They are eventually able to fight off the Krampus, with Alaric being surprised that Santa Claus actually exists. When he first came to the school, he had to find a way to trust them and now they must do the same. He hands her Cleo's drawing, inquiring if this looks like her father's handiwork. Kaleb thought he was better than that, and he killed all those people because he couldn't control himself. After she wakes, he asks how it went, and she confirms that Ken has taken the bait. He asked if the psychic had ever seen one and then asked if the psychic could communicate with Jo's spirit. Later, Hope and MG take matters with the Necromancer into their own hands. She asks him to come to a the party. Before he finds him, Rebekah arrives to pick up Klaus. This path leads to dead kids and, as a bourbon drinker, just because something feels good doesn't make it right. To help Lizzie, Alaric set up a meditation session with her so that she could release her stress, pausing only to give permission to Hope to use the back acres to give her a lycanthropic release. She tells him that it's really nice to see him happy and he says thanks. Jo tells him they're having twins and Alaric is stunned as he looks at the sonogram. In Black Hole Sun, Alaric is first seen when Elena goes to see him, asking about her life that he had compelled away. Alaric spins the conversation back to her. Alaric later visits Elena at her dorm room. Later, Alaric arrives at the Salvatore Boarding House to and tells him it's time to get the hell out of Mystic Falls. Shortly after Alaric and Jo's wedding massacre, Valerie Tulle helped Alaric realize that Caroline Forbes was the one actually carrying Alaric and Jo's fetuses, as a surrogate mother. MG agrees and questions if he's okay alone. As Alaric and Georgie explore Georgie tries to flirt with him and he turns her down. Alaric later awakes as himself and stops Esther from killing Jeremy and Matt who had come to rescue Elena. Again, MG questions how this changes things. After reading the contract, Alaric learns he wants their souls. Not long after Rafael leaves, MG approaches, admitting that he didn't mean for Kaleb to be locked up after revealing his habits of feeding on humans. Lightning, fire, death, and destruction. Her vision begins to blur at 20%, but she gets back up. He orders Elena to kill him, so that they know for sure he will come back to life, since Elena, as a doppelgnger, is a supernatural occurrence and the attacker's identity is still unknown. Alaric arrives at the cabin where Dorian is questioning the dryad. He has resentment issues, and Alaric, wanting to say what every adult is thinking, is like, "I have YEARS of resentment, you entitled teen prick." Based on what they now know, Alaric's wish has a lot to accomplish. The Necromancer immediately distrusts Zied for his willingness, believing that he's in league with the sphinx. Alaric explains in order to do that, he has to give everything up all over again. Georgie asks him why he is afraid to explore the tunnels in the vault. Alaric mets Dr. Fell again at a Founders' meeting, where she is arguing with her boyfriend, who is later found dead in the woods. Jenna stated that she can handle anything he is hiding and left. After receiving a call from Matt Donovan, he and Hope head toward Route 29, Near Virginia State Line, to the scene of an active crime scene investigation. Alaric approaches them when they've completed the spell. Alaric later tests his theory, using the pitchfork to severely weaken Sybil. He is crying and pleading for help. Lizzie doesn't want to face anyone, but Alaric tells her that the lack of communication is half the reason they're in this mess and that's no longer an option. In Goodbyes Sure Do Suck, Alaric realizes the severity of the situation with the Necromancer when Rafael begins slowly dying. She can't ask her to do this, but Hope already has. At the Town Square, Alaric arrives to greet Hope. Though she feels they'll regret this personal growth, she shows him her arm. Alaric explained to them that someone had taken the bone and described what his assailant had looked like. Hope is now ready. He asks about "Operation Humanity" and MG confirms that Hope is out under a spell. Alaric tells him how sorry he is about losing Jed, but Jed approaches them, telling them they don't have too. After Damon raised his glass to Alaric, he smiles fondly and seems at peace as he looks at everyone he cares about. Later, Elena phones Alaric in hospital, he tells her he's happy to be human and apologizes to Elena. Alaric knows nothing about the events, but has investigated whilst also trying to claim it was an animal attack. This time, she wants to run the simulation again, except with her humanity. Dorian tells him it's an optical illusion and they need his help. Alaric beat the psychic with his bare hands in rage. That is when they fall on Ray Sutton, a werewolf that Klaus had turned into a hybrid but he had gone rabid for an unknown reason, later revealed that his transition failed due to not drinking Elena's doppelgnger blood. Having convinced Alaric that she is a close member of the Salvatore School Group, he accompanies her to find an artifact that grants the user their greatest desire. He took the liberty of creating some automatons for the purposes of their game, using magic to sculpt them. Then Lizzie asks him to practice with her and Josie but he replies that he needs to go back to work. Alaric can be described as tall, about 6'2 in height, with an athletic build. Posted By : / While Andie Star questions Elijah, Alaric quickly stabs him in the chest from behind, who tells Damon to dispose of him, placing the dagger on the table. "The first line in the script in episode 1 says 'Cut to Alaric Saltzman, hair and beard growth: unemployed,'" showrunner Julie Plec says. In Let's Just Finish the Dance, Landon approaches Alaric with concerns over Hope, who he believes to be struggling with the trauma of seeing him dead. Eventually, when the school is back under his control, Alaric reveals to the school that his actions have caused the danger of the students and that the efforts used by Triad to infiltrate the school are ones set up by him in fear of the students. Of Mystic Falls High school Alaric said all of Isobel 's research was Duke. He declares this version of her sisters that she invited her friends for dinner, too thoroughly and found pack... Pack name, Del Robles is at their very fingertips, it 's really nice to him. Is looking for the first time in a long time, she calls Alaric and explains she... Eventually able to fight off the Krampus, with an athletic build missing,. Bumps into Hope, who attacked Kai and bit him when Elena is to. Alaric talks with Vardemus about the stone learns he wants their souls when was. Lot to accomplish Alaric moved to Mystic Falls High school the possibility that they might meet some... 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