7 african gods and goddesses

In the Yoruban religion, Olokun is the wife of Oduduwa. The Goddess Cybele in Mythology | Who Was Cybele? This is an ode to Oguns double-edged sword, representing two sides of justice. The reason as to why she is the goddess of prostitution is because that is the most common practice in the Caribbean Islands. I wear alot of yellow & I accessorize with alot of orange and gold! During ancient times, a slap of thunder signaled the onset of danger, or the gods wrath hurtling down from the heavens. Instead, we can refer to the Yoruba religion as its most popular religion simply due to how widespread it is. Which til this day Im more than blessed to have even been another orisha came to me as an elder woman more like grandmother with the colors red, yellow and black with an African design protecting me from evil. They believed ancestors are human spirits that exist after death and are still worshipped by their people. How do I banish an attached spirit ? Baptism by water invokes her purifying essence. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hes the fertile male god whos intimate with Oba, Oshun and Oya. The puertricans call her Yemaya, because they say its a translation of Spanish. This power is often connected to dances conveying threatening gestures in rituals dedicated to this thunderous deity. Korean Mythology Gods & Folklore | What is Korean Mythology? Now for the fun stuff. figure did not say his name, I just knew in my dream telepathically I guess that this was one of the Orisha gods/goddesses. Spirits are less grand, less powerful, and less like humans than the gods, who often have weaknesses and emotions. Officially, African gods and belief systems have been replaced by Islam and Christianity over the past century according to statistics (90%), but it is often an Followers of Babal Ay offer him things like white wine and grains. Hello, permit me if I may, Im new to this and still learning. Sharing a commonplace with other famous gods such as the Greek Zeus and the Norse Thor, his prowess remained dominant with a chaotic sky. Nyame is one of the most important figures in Akan mythology, considered to be the supreme sky god. Orisha Obatala Orisha Obatala is also known as Oshala, Orishanla, and Oshaluf. No human being is immune to all diseases; however, when there is a chance to heal, it is always welcomed. Webbtl - creator of human bodies; orisha of light, spiritual purity, and moral uprightness Odduw - progenitor orisha of the Yorubas gn - orisha who presides over iron, fire, hunting, agriculture and war Ok - a hunter and farmer Osanyin - Anansi the Spider: Stories & Mythology | Who is Anansi? Her name translates to The Black One, and she is most often times showcased as a serpent. While modern people look at the roar of the thunder and they dont think much of it, back in ancient times, this thunder would have been a sign that the gods wrath was coming down from the heavens, punishing the pagans that took the gods name in vain. I am looking for new books on the subject. She may have also been the patron of County Cork. Im new the the practice as well, still learning. The Igbo kept this deity in high esteem. Described as a powerful deity with a voice like thunder and a mouth that spewed fire, Shango (also called Chango) is a major deity of the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria. I see more that i s imperative to my calling. While some are capable of being killed, many are immortal. Olodumare created the Orishas and therefore has domain over them, including over the Seven African Powers. These oral traditions were passed from generation to generation and were often narrated by a designated storyteller called a ''griot''. But while Africa does have an abundance of those elements, it also has a ton of beautifully diverse people and cultures that have lived amongst each other for thousands of years now. An error occurred trying to load this video. Kibuka is actually referred to as the God of War in the Buganda Empire kingdom. According to the Yoruba religion, Obatala is said to have constructed the human bodies and asked their father, Olorun, to breathe life into them. It is said that Orunmila is a witness to creation, thus possessing a deep understanding of humanity and divinity. According to legend, Magec was captured by Guayota and held prisoner inside the Teide volcano. Artemis (Greek) Artemis is a goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. I love the statue and Im a big believer but I dont want to disrespect ogun and chango being in the same statue and space. Consequently, because of his knowledge, Orunmila is said to know the ways of the world and the fate of humankind. Im not sure how enveloping into continuing my studies or intuition into this. YES MA AM !! If you do actually spot him and decide not to give him an offering, he is definitely going to play tricks on you, but for the most part he just wants to have fun and be left to his own whims instead. Before setting up an altar, invoking individual Orishas, or providing offerings to them, ALWAYS read their likes and dislikes and understand their back-story. I just got into crystals and meditation and chakras , I dont know how I got into these things, But I feel a pull and gravitation towards spiritual. Since his abode was the skies, he separated them and himself from the Earth and hence controlled the world from a cosmic distance. Many had a percentage of Olodumares attributes, while others indeed had their impacts on the world down below. Is the letter y even in our native language? If you cant find a 7 African Powers candle, use what you have. Ive been lazy about learning any culture. Neffertia has 5 years of experience tutoring middle school to college-aged students in reading and essay writing, working as a writing coach, and instructing student success courses. I dreamt of a woman with her face covered from the top of her white glowing crown, long red dress with glowing white heart on the front . Obatala does not identify as male or female. WebAfrican Supreme God Tore African God of Hunting Abaluyia (Vugusu) mythology Wele Abaluyia (Vugusu) God of Creation Alur and Dinka mythology Jok Alur and Dinka God of Rain Ambundu mythology Kabundungulu Ambundu Hero God Sudika-mbambi Ambundu God of Thunder Ankore mythology Rugaba Ankore God of Creation Anuak and Shilluk Oshun is also associated with fertility, so women who want children and are infertile will call upon Oshun for assistance. They aid in self-empowerment, strength, prosperity, opportunities, protection of family and home, healing, career, motherhood and fatherhood, fertility, peace, justice and legal matters and much more! Known as the sweetest god for their compassion towards humans, Obatala is considered the ''Child of God'' due to their father being the powerful Olorun. Some Orishas dont get along with one another and should never be venerated in the same space. The belief in reincarnation is linked to ideas from their ancestors. General African myths deal with confusion by introducing a force that counters it. And just pay attention to everything that is happening to you for awhile. To clarify you DO NOT have to be initiated in order to connect with the spirits of the Orishas. Both revered and feared, Obaluaye is well respected by the followers, and he is said to curse you as quickly as he can heal you. A relatively common theme integrated into the Yoruba religion is Animism. He is often noted as being the master behind shaping every child when they are within the womb. that you should approach them with respect and reverence. She is crowned the Queen of the river Niger. You are the source/GOD the power flows through you, you have the ability to heal and create/manifest. While fables offer imaginative explanations, there is no doubt that the Orisha pantheons followers make it their lifestyle to uphold the norms and practices imposed by these deities. In general, most African religions believe in one main god who is the creator of the world, although his/her name and backstory can vary. I would like to share a picture that was revealed to me from Oshun. Referred to as the all-knowing, Olorun is the most powerful and wisest god among the Yoruba people of West Africa. WebPeruse through a list of baby names inspired by African gods and goddesses that have deep meaning and cultural roots. Mischief is something that doesnt go unnoticed in African mythology in general. Interestingly, the Oba river intersects the Osun river at an explosive speed, symbolizing a long-standing rivalry between two of Shangos wives. Goddesses can be found in the historical beliefs or current day observances of most cultures and religions. Ase & Namaste , This is a blessing to hear. The reason for this is because she is most often times depicted admiring her own beauty in the water. Hello. As a result, African mythology stretches across nearly all African cultures. All of which will be detailed below. Known to the Yoruba people of West Africa, Ogun is the god of war and iron. Whenever she does lose her temper though she causes the waters to be violent, attacking and taking down even the mightiest ships because of her sorrows. It also gave you a brief overview of the Yoruba and Santeria religions. However, this somewhat stereotypical vision doesnt spring out of the blue. Some people liken the Orishas to gods and goddesses. Then there are Christians who calls it witchcraft like my church, to be honest I always get asked are you Christian, baptise, what is your religion? When the Seven are brought together in invocation and prayer, they will do amazing things for their people. I love all of them!! Your intention is what matters the most. This wouldnt have been possible without bodies of water snaking through lush, dense forests, bringing much-needed vitality to all who benefit from it. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. These deities, who I will research & study more before fully immersing/baptizing myself. I believe that your dream was a sign. She said she once cut off her ear, turned it into powder, and sprinkled it into Shangos food. I dont even think I want to know which one has my head. --~Attributes and Correspondences~--. in Counseling and Student Development with a graduate certificate in Social Justice Education from Kansas State University. I grew up in a christian church and I am at an age where I have decided to embark on my journey to learn and explore spirituality as my ancestors did prior to being brought over to America. Obatala is an Orisha of the Seven African Powers known as a cool spirit of healing and peace. I later put in a resume for a job fair Friday. and looking to strengthen my practice. This is because that number is an incomprehensible number for the Yoruba people, which in turn implies that there are an infinite number of gods in this pantheon. He is also commonly seen having two dogs to help sniff out infections. Home. Staff Works , https://africa.si.edu/collections/objects/4343/staff;jsessionid=D42CDB944133045361825BF627EC3B4C. I have a legal matter Im fighting in court and I really need some guidance, protection and exoneration. Also known as mother of nine history mentions this name was derived due His symbols include a white dove and, in more modern times, wreaths of olives due to them becoming a universal sign of peace. She is said to be motherly and strong willed, while also being very good at curing infertility in women. Filtering the very essence of wrath and fury, he was the bringer of thunder and brimming masculinity. Do some research on your own to find out how Santeria works. Obatala prefers people who control their emotions and are level-headed. The Seven African Powers are these seven Orishas: Eshu Elegbara, Ogun, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango and Oya. Goddess Xochiquetzal Mythology & Symbol | Who is Xochiquetzal? Im kind of confused because I dont think about Orisha and the religion at all, if not barely except for the time I see it mentioned once or twice in a while on twitter- but I think this dream must be significant? African people, however, do not have a single unified belief about a supreme god. Discover the various gods and goddesses of West African mythology. Olokun is often feared by the Yoruba people due to her anger causing rifts and chops in the waters making it dangerous for fishermen and sailors. I renounce Asa, also known as father god or the strong lord, that rules over mercy, help then move onto learning the dances (what they mean and the moves of each orisha) and songs . Nabu. Some recollections tell us that there are as many as 700, 900 or even 1,440 Orishas around. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Aphrodite Goddess Statue made of Marble Greek Roman Mythology Sculpture at the best online prices at eBay! WebAfrican Myths and Egyptian Gods: A Captivating Guide to African Mythology and Gods of Ancient Egypt (World Mythologies) Part of: World Mythologies (7 books) | by Matt Clayton Among the Yoruba people, Olokun is the goddess of the waters. Im trying to be cautious and respectful at the same time because I am not black, Im asian actually. Ala is a goddess in Igbo mythology from eastern Nigeria. their all one, they each represent a different sense of being. Deities and gods represented the religious beliefs of the group. Their religious beliefs connect directly to human life and daily treads. WebPeruse through a list of baby names inspired by African gods and goddesses that have deep meaning and cultural roots. As they migrated and settled in new homelands, they created myths and legends to tell the story of the history of their people. Ogo is the son of Amma, who is the creator of the Dogon people. As I grow older Im wanting more and more info even joined groups on fb but afraid to say anything because everyone who most talk in the groups are practicing already and I dont understand some of their post. Especially if youve had dreams or felt their presence, follow your intuition/insight, and what resonates with your spirit. The Spaniards took slaves, and therefore we became immensely multiracial. Invoke her at the beach. Ogo is represented as the ''pale fox''. The notion of reincarnation is that deceased family members make their journey back to life as a new baby in the same family they once departed from. Peace and blessings may eye ask you a questionare you from the mother land if so how can eye contact you, Isnt it cultural translation? They say Ogun isnt just a spirit of iron, that he is iron. But who exactly is Oshun? Sasha Blakeley has a Bachelor's in English Literature from McGill University and a TEFL certification. He does require tobacco offerings though, but once you do receive his blessing you are pretty much set for life. Fire and thunder are associated with Shango and the oshe, a double-headed battleaxe, is his most prominent ritual symbol. She was the one that taught the Yoruba people how to create potions and heal through herbs alone, and whenever you do go hunting you need to give her an offering so she allows you to have a safe passage through her realm. That was my first experience. We are all connected. Theyve survived because of the culture. --~Attributes and Temi Iwalaiye Temi Iwalaiye is a lifestyle Reporter at Pulse. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. in my opinion think its a great idea to learn a lot about orishas and the practice before taking further steps . I have a question I am worshiping both Oya and Oshun, From this, I have learned that they do not like each other is it okay that Im Worshiping both-? This isnt to say that she mistreats her followers, quite the contrary actually, but it is something to keep in mind if you choose to pray to her. According to Yoruba belief, because the god was too vast for humans to completely understand, Olodumare released different spheres of influence into the world. By Western interpretation of Eshu, though, he is not seen as this malicious spirit doomed to destroy humanity through psychological trickery. Among the Yoruba people, Oduduwa is the creator of the Yoruba race and religion. WebThe following is a list of Yoruba deities Olrn - the supreme creator deity Aganju - Orisha of volcanoes, the wilderness and rivers Aja - Orisha of the forest, the animals within it, and herbal healing Ayao - Orisha of air Babalu Aye - Orisha of the Earth and strongly associated with infectious disease (particularly smallpox, leprosy and AIDS) and healing Egungun This belief has been with the Yoruba religion for many generations now, and it refers to the idea that deceased family members will be reborn as babies after their passing. i very much appreciate this information, thank you. Orunmila is a God of wisdom, knowledge and divination. Known as the spirit who never rests, Ogun is a shaman and healer and has close ties to blood. Do the two remain compatible? Hers can be spelled: Yemoja, yemaya, Iemanj, etc. His authoritative use of raw power symbolizes typical masculinity, linking him to a more personal viewpoint for followers of the Orisha pantheon. A white candle works for just about any invocation and for any deity. Instead, he has solidified his position as a messenger between the realm of spirits and humankind, not unlike the Greek god Hermes.. I would prefer to learn it also orally so I actually know the original sound and tonation of their name. And what better tool to carry it out than the trusty old iron? Babal Ay is recognized among the Yoruba people of Nigeria and Benin as the ''Healer God''. Always heard Nana buruku when I was little. Some war gods, like Ares, are I understand translation gets lost or changed, either way the roads meet back to the beginning, is my opinion. And as far as you being Asian, that has nothing to do with The Divine trying to make contact with you. Although they are always more Although there are countless Orishnas, twelve stand out for their role in Yoruba mythology. I believe my sister has cast a hex on me. When mischief and trickery can be converted into an orb of power controlled by a celestial spirit, it makes way for a relatively powerful narrative that strikes awe within its believers. Can you guide me as to how to proceed. Web10 prominent goddess in Norse mythology are: Freyja, Frigg, Skadi, Sif, Jord, Ran, Idun, Saga, Eir, and Hel. Dont be scared sound very direct try to have an old item of your siblings and white candles. Yemonja is the Orisha of the ocean. Pinterest African goddess of love and beauty Oshun is the African goddess of love and sweet waters. Garbed in white, the King of Peace Obatala is a merciful Orisha dispatching purity. This is why you will often times find Yoruba people named after their departed parents or grandparents in case they look alike. She has been teaching English in Canada and Taiwan for seven years. I dont know about apps but try searching for audiobooks on the Orishas. A designated storyteller called a `` griot '' to you for awhile, and. 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